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CaptureSelect AAVX 配体 Leakage ELISA

The CaptureSelect AAVX Ligand Leakage ELISA is designed to detect possible leached ligand of adeno-associated viruses (AAV) purified using POROS CaptureSelect AAVX Affinity Matrix. The ligand, a 13-kD recombinant protein, is covalently coupled for high chemical stability and low leakage. Even when covalently attached, small amounts of the affinity ligand can leach off of the chromatography support and co-elute with the purified AAV. This ELISA provides typical sensitivity and accurate quantitation of possible leached ligand greater than or equal to 1 ng/mL. POROS CaptureSelect AAVX Ligand Leakage ELISA can be used as a tool to aid in optimal purification process development and in routine quality control of in-process streams as well as final product.
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    810352201 CaptureSelect AAVX 配体 Leakage ELISA 1 assay

The CaptureSelect AAVX Ligand Leakage ELISA is designed to detect possible leached ligand of adeno-associated viruses (AAV) purified using POROS CaptureSelect AAVX Affinity Matrix. The ligand, a 13-kD recombinant protein, is covalently coupled for high chemical stability and low leakage. Even when covalently attached, small amounts of the affinity ligand can leach off of the chromatography support and co-elute with the purified AAV. This ELISA provides typical sensitivity and accurate quantitation of possible leached ligand greater than or equal to 1 ng/mL. POROS CaptureSelect AAVX Ligand Leakage ELISA can be used as a tool to aid in optimal purification process development and in routine quality control of in-process streams as well as final product.


产品线 / CaptureSelect™
数量 / 1 次检测
运输条件 / 干冰
内容与储存/ 3 x 0.1 mL。在 -5 至 -30°C 下储存。



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